

Lapsi is a traditional Indian sweet dish made on special occasions such as housewarmings, weddings and festivals such as Diwali. Cooking Lapsi on small and big occasions is considered to bring good luck! Enjoy this low-fat version of the recipe that is just as delicious as the original ghee-laden version.

Serves: 4


  • 125 g Bulghur (also called dalia or fada)

  • 125 g Jaggery (gur) or Brown Sugar

  • 450 ml Water

  • 2 tsp Ghee

  • 1/4 tsp Cardamom powder

  • 2 tbsp Almond Slices / Chopped Almonds (optional)


  1. Heat 400 ml water and the jaggery pieces in a pan to make a syrup. Mix until the jaggery completely dissolves.

  2. In a pressure cooker, add ghee. Roast the Bulghur on medium to low heat, stirring continuously till it gives a sweet aroma and turns pinkish or light brown. Do not let it turn dark brown.

  3. Slow the gas, add the jaggery syrup (taking care to keep your face away as this step gives off a lot of steam) and then close the pressure cooker.

  4. Give 8 whistles, switch off the gas and let the steam release. Leave the cooker untouched for 15 mins for best results. (Note: Cooking time depends on the size of the bulghur. If you are using a thinner variety, you will require 6 whistles).

  5. Then open the pressure cooker, add cardamom powder and stir well.

  6. Sprinkle almonds and serve hot.

Helpful Tips

  • There are two types of Bulghur in the market. Choose the thicker version for better results.

  • The sweetness can be adjusted as per one’s taste.

  • As this is a low fat version of the recipe, I use only 2 tsp of ghee. Feel free to add more ghee for special occasions.

Nutritional Benefits

  • Rich in fibre

  • Rich in iron

  • High in potassium and magnesium

  • High in protein

  • Rich in B vitamins